Relaunching a prospect after a first contact (whether it's a call or a message) is a bit like watering a plant and observing that it doesn't grow much more.
Frustrating, right?
However, this is not necessarily a sign of disinterest. In B2B, inboxes overflow, priorities change, and sometimes your message simply gets lost in the shuffle. This is why a concise follow-up comes into play, not as an awkward assist, but as a new chance to capture attention.
No relaunch? Your message will be as hard to find as Charlie!
But writing a good follow-up email is not always easy: what words to use? What is the right timing?
In this article, discover how to master the art of prospecting and take advantage of intelligent solutions to transform silence into opportunities! Here we go 👇
Relaunching a prospecting email at the right time is a bit like finding the right note in a song. If you start too early or too late, it may not “take”.
So how do you know when the right time is and restart the sales process?
Here are some factors to take into account for a successful recovery:
Some tips to refine your follow-up:
With a little strategy and observation, you will quickly find the right time to follow up and thus increase your chances of capturing the attention of your prospects.
I give you some numbers which will surely interest you:
knowing that another study showed that prospects respond on average after 4 or 5 follow-ups. Go ahead, restart!
A well-structured prospecting follow-up email can make all the difference. But what makes an email captures attention And pushes to action ?
The balance between good structure, wording and good content.
Here are some key elements to keep in mind to succeed in your recovery:
The subject line is the first thing your prospect will see. It should make you want to open the email, without being too aggressive. A short, clear, but intriguing sentence is ideal. The subject must also reflect the importance of your message while remaining natural. A personalized subject line that adapts to the prospect's interest can greatly improve the chances of opening.
A generic email often goes unnoticed and personalization goes beyond simply inserting the name. It involves integrating specific details that show that you took the time to understand the prospect's needs. This may be linked to a previous exchange or a particular interest
Too much information kills information. Your message should be simple and direct. The paragraph should not be too long and go straight to the point, clearly explaining the value you bring to the prospect. The fewer distractions, the more your prospect will be able to concentrate on what's important
After capturing attention, it’s crucial to guide the prospect toward the action you want them to take. A clear and direct call to action (CTA) is essential. Whether setting up a call, scheduling a demo, or even answering a question, be specific about what you expect.
The introduction should be short but impactful. It must immediately capture attention and explain why you are (re)contacting your prospect. Formulas that are too generic are not recommended. Each introduction must be personalized so that your email seems less like a simple reminder and more like a message of value.
A message adapted to the needs of the prospect : the body of the email must clearly demonstrate how you can solve a problem or meet a specific need of the prospect.
A simple and fluid structure : this will help with reading and will allow prospects to quickly grasp the important points (short paragraphs, hyphens,'ll see, it will help you enormously)
Sending a follow-up email is not as simple as it seems. Behind every effective recovery, there is a good timing strategy, follow-up, and a balance between perseverance and flexibility. Here are some tips to help you structure your reminders and increase your chances of success:
The ideal timing to send a follow-up email
The timing of sending is crucial. Too soon, and it may seem rushed; too late, and you risk missing the right slot. In general, a first follow-up after 3 to 5 days works well.
Then, it is important to maintain a balance: neither too close together nor too far apart. Keep in mind that the prospect's time frame can also make a big difference. If you are in Europe and your prospect is in the United States, sending time will be a factor to consider.
Manage tracking without being intrusive
Too many reminders can quickly annoy a prospect. So it’s about being tactful. After your first email, each follow-up should offer new content, additional information or different value to maintain interest. The goal is to be persistent, but also respectful of the prospect's space and time.
Persevere and adapt
The perseverance is undoubtedly one of the most important qualities in prospecting. But adaptability also plays a key role.
If several reminders have gone unanswered, it may be necessary to review your approach: change the subject of the email, rephrase the introduction or adapt the message to current events in your sector.
This ability to adjust your strategy shows that you are responsive and able to adapt to the prospect's needs.
Why should the prospect respond to you?
A direct call to action, such as offering a slot for a call or organizing a virtual meeting, can greatly facilitate engagement. Personalizing the content of each follow-up based on your past exchanges also allows you to show that you are really interested in the specific needs of the prospect. Finally, it would be good to include an open question in the email to create a dynamic that encourages a response.
There is no perfect follow-up email, but a well-structured follow-up can reactivate a prospect's interest while strengthening your credibility. Here are several concrete examples, accompanied by analysis to better understand what works and why.
Follow-up after a quote or an offer sent :
“Hello [first name],
To follow up on sending our offer, I wanted to know if you had the opportunity to view it. If any questions or points require clarification, I remain available to discuss them.
You can find our offer here: [link] »
This type of reminder reminds of the existence of the offer while proposing a constructive exchange. Adding a link facilitates immediate access and increases the chances of a quick response.
Follow-up with a targeted resource :
“Hello [first name],
During our last discussions, you mentioned [a specific challenge or need]. I think this guide/report on [topic] might interest you and answer some of your questions.
Here is the link to access it: [link]
I would be happy to discuss if it would be useful to you”
Offering a helpful resource shows that you are listening to the prospect's needs. This reinforces your added value while inviting a dialogue.
Friendly and light reminder:
“Hello [first name],
I wanted to make sure my last message reached you. If this is not the right time for you, no problem, I remain at your disposal to discuss when it is convenient. »
A non-intrusive approach that maintains the relationship without creating pressure. The relaxed tone allows the prospect to respond without feeling constrained.
Follow-up with appointment proposal
“Hello [first name],
I think a quick chat could be interesting to discuss a specific topic. I am available this week, Thursday at 10 a.m., or next week depending on your availability.
Let me know if it suits you or if you prefer another time. »
Offering specific niches simplifies the prospect's decision-making. It also shows that you respect their time.
Understanding the context, adjusting the tone and adapting the content remain the pillars of a successful relaunch. With a little creativity and attentive listening, your reminders can become real levers of commitment.
Relaunching a prospect can seem like a balancing act: you have to be present, without seeming pushy. A good follow-up message can transform a lack of response into an opportunity, but you still have to know how to do it. The key lies in a thoughtful, subtle approach adapted to your interlocutor, whatever the communication channel.
Create added value
If your email offers a benefit, you will be read. It is better to avoid messages that are limited to reminding you of your last sending. Prospects respond more when they perceive real interest. For example :
Identify the right timing
Reminders must respect the pace of the prospect. An email sent too soon or too often can feel like pressure. Relaunching after at least 3 days, on average a week, then spacing out messages according to feedback remains a judicious approach.
Specific times of year, such as the end of a quarter or the start of the fiscal year, can provide ideal windows. These moments often mean important decisions, which can align your interests with their needs
Diversify approaches to stand out
Reminders do not always have to go through the same channel.
Adapt to the context and follow the instructions
Paying close attention to the signals sent to prospects allows you to adjust your strategy. When a deadline or preference is expressed, I advise you to follow these instructions. This type of listening builds trust and can help the relationship evolve positively.
Demonstrate consistency and flexibility
An effective follow-up is never the same from one prospect to the next. Each message must be unique, drawing on their specific issues and previous interactions. The idea is not to force an answer, but to continue to be relevant, even in a competitive environment.
By thinking strategically about your follow-up, you will add value to each interaction. Instead of being perceived as a constraint, it becomes a tool for building a lasting dialogue.
Artificial intelligence (AI) has completely redefined prospecting. It allows you to transform a simple reminder email into an ultra-targeted, relevant and captivating message, without spending an inordinate amount of time. With AI, every interaction becomes an opportunity to stand out.
Humanlinker, your prospecting ally!
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Here are some examples of personalized emails:
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Spot the buying signals
Certain events or changes trigger a need among your prospects. Here are some signals that deserve your attention:
This information, integrated into your reminders, brings a touch of hyper-personalization. Prospects feel heard and understood, which opens more doors.
Take action with relevance
AI tools don’t stop at data collection. They also help determine the optimal timing to follow up, such as after an interaction on a previous email or following a repeated opening. The goal is to be at the right time, without forcing the conversation.
With solutions like Humanlinker, each relaunch becomes a thoughtful, engaging and impactful approach. An approach to technologies and personalizations combine to create real connections.
Knowing when to stop in a recovery process is a delicate balance. Between perseverance and respect, balance is essential to keep the door open without becoming intrusive. If you insist, you risk damaging your image. And at the same time, giving up too soon can cause you to miss a valuable opportunity.
An ideal number of raises does not exist
There is no universal answer: it all depends on your prospect, their context, and your approach. However, the objective remains the same: Maintain interest without crossing the red line of intrusion.
Some useful points of reference:
Spaced out to better respect
Timing plays a key role. Excessive stimulus can quickly be perceived as aggression. Leave a week or two between each attempt so as not to suffocate your recipient, while remaining present.
A spacing model:
With this approach, you show yourself to be perseverant without being oppressive.
Respect above all
A prospect who explicitly requests not to be contacted must be listened to. Continuing after a firm refusal could not only damage your reputation but also that of your company.
Time to take a break
Not all prospects are ready at the same time. If your follow-ups don't lead anywhere, there's nothing stopping you from resuming them later. Keep track of your exchanges to adjust your approach if the opportunity arises.
One last well-thought-out attempt
Before leaving your prospect alone, end with a cordial and non-pressing follow-up email:
“Hello [first name], I see that you do not want this service at the moment. If that suits you, I’ll get back to you in a few months to find out where it’s at!”
This approach leaves a positive impression, even if the conversation doesn't stop. Be persistent, yes, but without ever sacrificing respect and elegance.
Receiving an explicit rejection may seem like the end of the story, but it's not often just a temporary break. An opportunity can be reborn with the right timing and approach. The main thing is to never force your hand, but to be strategically patient.
A “no” is not necessarily definitive
A refusal may result from bad timing, a lack of budget, or simply other priorities. But these circumstances evolve, and knowing how to wait for the right moment can make all the difference.
In this case, the ending email just above is ideal so as not to close the conversation and relaunch it a few weeks or months later.
Certain actions, such as fundraising, a change of position, or a recruitment announcement, or the prospect returning to your site or purchasing page several times, can indicate that the prospect's situation has changed. These events are opportunities to reconnect.
Don't be too hasty after a refusal: this can damage your credibility. Waiting several months shows that you respect the decisions of your interlocutor while remaining available.
Coming back with an open attitude, reminding you that you understand their previous refusal, can defuse any tension.
For example :
‘'During our last exchange, it wasn't the right time for you. I was wondering if things had changed on your end. ''
Coming back with a new solution, a special offer or relevant information can tip the scales
Example : “I wanted to share with you a recent study that might interest you in your sector.’’
Mention a significant event in their company or the sector to contextualize your relaunch. This shows that you follow the news and pay attention.
It is not uncommon for a prospect to reconsider their decision. By waiting for the right moment and adapting your message, even a “no” can open new doors.
A well-designed follow-up email can have a considerable impact on sales performance. Not only does it increase the response rate but it also plays a crucial role in converting prospects into customers, as well as long-term loyalty.
How does it work?
Increasing the response rate thanks to a well-designed follow-up email
A well-thought-out email attracts attention and generates a reaction. When the message is personalized and relevant to the prospect, you increase the chances of receiving a response. Direct, clear, and tailor-made content captures interest. For example :
Prospects appreciate a message that directly addresses their needs and concerns, making engagement easier and more natural.
Improving the conversion of prospects into customers
Follow-ups not only generate a response, they are also a great way to convert a prospect into a customer. When the message clearly presents how your product or service can solve specific problems, it becomes irresistible.
By emphasizing what the prospect can really gain, the email becomes a powerful transformation tool.
PS : 80% of sales are between the 4th and 11th raise ;)
The role of the reminder email in customer loyalty
A raise can also be used to to strenghten the relationship with an existing customer. It is not only a tool to push for sales, but also to remind people of the added value of long-term collaboration. In this case, you can send:
A satisfied prospect is more likely to come back, and a loyal customer can become an ambassador for your brand.
To conclude this article, I would say that the follow-up email is an art, and it is above all essential to boost your commercial performance. Much more than a simple reminder, a well-formulated reminder can transform a uncertain response into concrete opportunity.
By adding value to each exchange and taking the time to personalize your messages, you show that you truly care about the prospect's needs. This is not limited to pushing for a sale, but to building a relationship of trust, a guarantee of long-term success.
It is also crucial to use the moment well to restart. Too soon, you risk appearing pushy; too late, and you lose the opportunity.
Finally, we must never underestimate the power of a follow-up which does not simply repeat the first proposition, but which is enriched with a new offer or relevant information.
Recovery is not an end in itself, but a real game of strategy. And remember: the best opportunities are often found in the art of re-engagement.
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Up to you !